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Monday, October 6, 2008


The next step to determined it is due to any local condition.

Stricture, enlarge prostate gland in men past 40 yrs. of age, stone in the bladder, an old gonorrheal infection of the seminal vesicles or of the posterior urethra, and in women to a faulty position of the uterus causing pressure in the bladder. A careful examination by a family physician will enable him to advice if any local condition needs attention.

Occasionally, in certain cases, no inconvenience is experienced during the day but at night the kidneys secrete more urine, and after retiring it is necessary to get up frequently to void this condition, in the absence of any local trouble, is usually the result of complete rest in bed which removes the extra work required of the heart during the day. The result is that the heart performs its excretory work better at night, the circulation of blood is improved, and the kidneys secrete more urine. This occurs especially when the heart is weakened and has no reserve power. such people often complain of shortness of breath when climbing stairs or walking up a hill. For such symptoms a first class physician should be consulted promptly to make a careful examination of the heart, and then advice accordingly.

One of the commonest causes of frequent urination in young men is an old, uncured gonorrheal infection. There is no discharge of pus, but the germs cause an irritation and make the urethra very sensitive. this condition can be cured by proper medical care, but it requires prolong treatment owing to the chronic condition.

The commonest cause in older men, especially past 50 yrs. of age, is a hypertrophy or enlargement of the prostate gland. the enlarge prostate gland presses upon the outlet of the bladder so that the bladder muscles cannot completely expel all the urine, and one-fourth or one-half of the urine remains in the bladder, according to severity of the condition. The result of this is that the urine becomes alkaline, or frequently becomes infected, causing a cystitis or inflammation of the bladder. when this symptoms indicate that the prostate gland is enlarged, consult your family physician to let him determine after he has made a recall examination if it is only a temporary condition and whether he can relieve the symptoms by local massage and treatment. If it is due to chronic condition and requires the use of catheter to draw off the urine, then the only cure is of the gland by operation. the best results are obtained before any complications occur, such as inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

In women, especially in those who have borne children, a displacement of the uterus occasionally occurs. When the uterus falls forward it presses against the neck of the bladder and causes frequent urination. this often can be very readily corrected by the family doctor.


The sensitiveness of the bladder is increased by a certain local conditions and by certain nervous or reflex causes, chiefly a cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, stones in the bladder, an inflammation of the seminal vesicles, ulcer near the neck of the bladder, or increased amount of phosphates in the urine resulting from a faulty diet; also in case of neurasthenia when the condition of the nervous system is below normal, especially due to worry, excitement, or nervous strain of any kind, bladder sensitiveness seems increased.

The treatment of frequent urination depends to a great extent on the cause of the condition in each particular case. By careful microscopic and chemical examination of the urine it is possible to discover such causes as diabetes, nephritis, cystitis, and, in some cases, stones in the bladder, or ulcer of the bladder. the treatment in such cases is the removal of the cause.

If the urine is found to be entirely normal it is advisable first to restrict the amount of fluids taken into the system. for example, if the person gets up frequently at night to void the urine, he should not drink liquids before retiring, nor drink any water after six o'clock in the evening. the amount of coffee and tea used should be curtailed at the same time, or entirely discontinued. If necessary, the amount of other fluids should be restricted during the day as well as in the evening.


To avoid irritating the kidneys

a.) Safeguard against excessive exercise or too hard physical work-lifting or straining efforts appear to be especially bad. Your occupation may be such that you cannot entirely control this element, but you can at least improve matters by resting as much as possible and avoiding unnecessary muscular effort. Moderate exercise, like walking, does no harm in mild case.

b.) Avoid catching cold by wearing clothing suitable to the climate or season of year, by avoiding draughts, or by not getting chilled or wet, by keeping the feet dry by not allowing living rooms to become too hot or too cold. Keep in the open air and sunshine all you can and sleep with the bedroom windows open.

c.) Prevent any undue nervous strain, excitement, exercise mental activity, too close application to work, and emotional excitement.

d.) Cut out all alcohol in any form. The popular notion that gin is beneficial has no scientific support.

e.) Avoid certain articles of food, such as onions, radishes, garlic, asparagus, and especially pepper, Tabasco, and rich spices.

f.) Local infections, such as bad teeth, infected ears, and nasal cavities, bad tonsils, chronic abscesses anywhere in the body, appear to damage the kidneys through poisons absorbed into the blood. This conditions should be sought for and treated by competent physicians or dentists.

g.) drink water freely, but not to excess, and preferably not not too much during meals. The alkaline waters, such as Vichy, or lemonade, are beneficial. A pinch of baking soda (as much as can be heaped on a dime) in a glass of water in the morning on arising is highly recommended.

h.) Person's with advanced Bright's Disease unquestionably do better in temperate, equable, balmy climates such as in Florida or South California, and off course the mild case improve more rapidly in such climates.

To Relieve the Kidneys of Unnecessary works.


a.) Limit the Diet

Particularly by reducing the amount of meat you eat. a person can stay in good health if he eats meat only once a a day, and then in very moderate quantities, preferably boiled meats. Peas, beans, macaroni, spaghetti, milk can be used instead of of the meat. Fruits, especially the citrous fruits, are very beneficial. Ordinary table salt should not be used to excess.

b.) Keep the bowels open

At least one good passage a day is essential.

c.) Keep the skin active

By taking a hot bath daily.

d.) If you are overweight, reduce your weight by eating less. Persons with pronounced kidney trouble should not follow the methods of reducing given under the section on Overweight because this diet is rather rich in meat. It is more advisable to have your doctor give you detailed advice as to methods of weight reduction.