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Thursday, October 9, 2008


Occasionally the urine when voided will be very cloudy and look like milk instead of the clear amber urine is due to the precipitation of certain salts known as phosphates which occur in normal urine. When the urine is alkaline or neutral this phosphates are precipitated from the urine inside the bladder, and they irritate the lining of the bladder causing frequent urination. This condition usually is a temporary one-- it does not indicate serious trouble and often causes unnecessary alarm. It is due chiefly to diet and also occurs in nervous dyspepsia are subject to this condition of voiding a milky object to this condition of voiding a milky urine.

When the urine is cloudy due to phosphates it does not require medical attention, but merely correction of the diet to limit the amount of fish, mat, eggs, out metal, , and to eat more vegetable, lemon, oranges, and time juice and more vegetables, lemons, oranges, and lime juice make the urine alkaline, causing phosphates to be precipitated and the urine to become cloudy.

Any nervous strain or worry must be avoided and avobe all no one should become alarmed at the gross appearance of the urine without laboratory examination.


The capacity of the bladder is affected by certain local conditions which prevent the bladder from completely emptying itself. this condition may be due to an enlargement of the prostate gland, to an overfilled rectum, etc.


The amount of urine excreted by the kidneys is affected by certain physiological conditions, especially by the amount of fluids taken into the system, and certain foods and drugs which stimulates kidney activity. it is also affected by certain systemic conditions or diseases, such as :

  • diabetes,

  • high blood pressure,

  • and a certain form of Bright's disease.

Lowering of external temperature causes the kidneys to secrete more urine due to the cessation of the sweat glands to excrete perspiration, and due to decreased loss of moisture from the lungs during breathing.


Experience has taught us that human machine requires three meals per day to do its work properly, and nature has provided for the elimination of the waste product at periodic intervals. The amount of urine which an ordinary bladder holds when the desire to urinate is first felt is about eight ounces. A normal person will void his urine during the day about every four or five hours, and as a rule a person can sleep at night for eight hours without voiding.

The frequency of voiding the urine depends upon:

1. the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys.
2. the capacity of the bladder.
3. the sensitiveness of the bladder.