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Friday, October 10, 2008


Clinical diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the location and severity of the pain, which is typically colic in nature (comes and goes in spasmodic waves). Pain in the back occurs when calculi produce an obstruction in the kidney

t can also be used to show the kidneys during pregnancy when standard x-rays are discouraged. About 10% of stones do not have enough calcium to be seen on standard x-rays (radiolucent stones) and may show up on ultrasound although they typically are seen on CT scans.  The relatively dense calcium renders these stones radio-opaque and they can be detected by a traditional X-ray of the abdomen that includes the Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder KIDNEY STONE IMAGE (at the tip of an ultrasonic instrument)
Imaging is used to confirm the diagnosis and a number of other tests can be undertaken to help establish both the possible cause and consequences of the stone. Ultrasound imaging is also useful as it will give details about the presence of hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidney—suggesting the stone is blocking the outflow of urine) URETERAL (double-J) STENTS
Three-dimensionalKIDNEY STONE
Kidney stones, also called renal calculi, are solid concretions (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in urine; calculi typically form inside the kidneys or bladder. The terms nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis refer to the presence of calculi in the kidneys and urinary tract, respectively. STRUVITE STONE ( Staghorn calculus )
Other types of kidney stones are composed of struvite (magnesium, ammonium and phosphate); uric acid; calcium phosphate; and cystine. 5–10% of all stones are formed from Uric acid.  The formation of struvite stones is associated with the presence of urea-splitting bacteria, most commonly Proteus mirabilis (but also Klebsiella, Serratia, Providencia species). These organisms are capable of splitting urea into ammonia, decreasing the acidity of the urine and resulting in favorable conditions for the formation of struvite stones. Struvite stones are always associated with urinary tract infections. BLADDER STONE
 Bladder stones incidentally found in a bladder diverticulum during transvesical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate via an incision in the bladder).