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Monday, October 6, 2008


The sensitiveness of the bladder is increased by a certain local conditions and by certain nervous or reflex causes, chiefly a cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, stones in the bladder, an inflammation of the seminal vesicles, ulcer near the neck of the bladder, or increased amount of phosphates in the urine resulting from a faulty diet; also in case of neurasthenia when the condition of the nervous system is below normal, especially due to worry, excitement, or nervous strain of any kind, bladder sensitiveness seems increased.

The treatment of frequent urination depends to a great extent on the cause of the condition in each particular case. By careful microscopic and chemical examination of the urine it is possible to discover such causes as diabetes, nephritis, cystitis, and, in some cases, stones in the bladder, or ulcer of the bladder. the treatment in such cases is the removal of the cause.

If the urine is found to be entirely normal it is advisable first to restrict the amount of fluids taken into the system. for example, if the person gets up frequently at night to void the urine, he should not drink liquids before retiring, nor drink any water after six o'clock in the evening. the amount of coffee and tea used should be curtailed at the same time, or entirely discontinued. If necessary, the amount of other fluids should be restricted during the day as well as in the evening.

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